Club News Sheet – No. 236        13th May 2007

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 086 6089887

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

Mon 7th      1st Bengt & Janne                     70%           2nd    Ivy & Phil                                 57%

Wed 9th  ( Individual)  1st  Janne                 68%           2nd    Phil                                           60%

Fri  11th      1st Albert & Bob                      63%           2nd    Ivy & Phil                                 57%  

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Bidding Quiz                           Standard American is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A LHO opens 1 and partner overcalls 1, what

do you do?

J42               KQ109743

A10983        Q                  With Hand B you are in 3rd seat at favourable vulnerability,

A9                AQ82           what do you open?

J106             5


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C partner opens 1 and RHO overcalls 1, what

do you do?

32                 KJ

6542             AK8             (a)  What do you open with hand D?

3                   A1092          (b)  Suppose you choose 1 and LHO overcalls 1; this is

KQJ876       A1042                passed round to you. What do you do?


Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E RHO opens 1 (or1), what do you bid?


AQ9875       J8                 Just for a change, we’ll have a couple of questions on the

QJ1073        Q109862      Multi 2 (weak major, strong minor or strong balanced).

5                   Q97              With Hand F you open 2, what do you bid when

3                  KQ              (a) Partner responds 2NT? (b) Partner responds 2?               






Bidding Sequences Quiz            All of these sequences occurred this week


G     1      dbl     3                                              What is 3 - pre-emptive or invitational.

H     1      1      3                                              What is 3 - pre-emptive or invitational.

J      1     1      2                                              What is 2 - weak or forcing

K     1      dbl     2                                              What is 2 - weak or forcing

L      1     1      dbl     pass       dbl is negative, what is 2 - weak or forcing

2     pass   2     

M    1     1      pass   pass       What is 2 - weak or forcing

dbl     pass   2     

N     1     pass   1      2          What is dbl, penalty or ‘negative’ - showing ’s?


P      1     pass   1      2          What is dbl, penalty or ‘negative’ - showing ’s?


Q     1     1      pass   pass       How strong is dbl?


R     1      1      pass   pass       How strong is 1NT?


S      1      1      pass   2          Is 2 forcing?

T      1      1      pass   3          What is 3?

U     1      1      pass   2          What is 2?

V     2      pass   2NT   dbl         Here we are playing the infamous Multi 2, so 2 is weak

3                                       with a major or strong with a minor or strong and balanced.

2NT asks, what is 3?

W    2      pass   2      dbl         It’s the Multi again,

3                                       (a) What is 2, and how strong? (b) What is 3this time?


The Club Championships

I have calculated the 2007 club championship standings to date and they are in the results folder and on the web. Note that all competitions, including individuals, now count towards the club championships. Nobody has yet qualified (30 results) for the Gold cup; the top 5 for the silver and bronze are currently: -

Silver plate = Best 10                                             Bronze medal = Best 5


645.6  Janne Roos                                                  336.7  Janne Roos

634.5  Lars Gustaffsson                                          332.9  Paul Savelkral

627.1  Gunnar Barthel                                            332.3  Bengt Malmgren

625.8  Paul Savelkral                                              325.6  Gunnar Barthel

619.5  Dave Cutler                                                 325.6  Lars Gustafsson



The forcing pass                           Board 10 from Monday 7th


Generally speaking, the Forcing Pass applies when your side has freely bid to game and clearly has the balance of power.


Dealer:             AK10975                                  

East                  86                                               West          North         East          South

Both vul            1062                                           -                 -                 pass         1    (1)

                        Q2                                             2    (2)      2    (3)      4    (4)    4

5    (5)      dbl   (6)      pass         pass (7)

-                        N             863                       pass

QJ10973        W    E          K542                   

A754                  S              Q                        

1075                                  J9863                  






(1)   This is a big hand, but 1 is absolutely correct.

(2)   A weak jump overcall, with this solid suit and a void + a reasonable 2nd suit I would not argue with 3.

(3)   Forcing. This is a great suit and so is worth a forcing 2 bid.

(4)   Obeying ‘the Law’.

(5)   This is one above ‘the Law’ but it’s worth it because of what I said at (2) above.

(6)   But this is wrong – North does not know if 5 or double is best and should leave it up to partner with a forcing pass.

(7)   South has no reason to pull partner’s penalty double.


And what happened? The E-W hands played very well and 5 doubled went down two for just 500 away. Every other N-S was in 4 making +1 or +2.

The bottom lines: -

-         You can bid above the Law when you have good shape and a good trump suit.

-         If your side has freely bid game and obviously have the majority of points, then the forcing pass applies when the opponents sacrifice.

-         Playing the forcing pass, a double is penalties and partner cannot pass your forcing pass, he must either double or bid one more.


Staying low?                                       Board 9 from Friday 11th


West                  East                            Janne & Bengt have been pretty dominant over the

AK2               J1097653               last few weeks; mainly from good bidding and play.

QJ43              K107                      But then there’s always the luck factor! They bid these

A9                  73                          E-W cards to an ultra safe 2; everybody else was in the

AK5               7                            95% 6which went minus one when the ’s split 3-0

with the Qxx was offside, so 2+3 was an outright top!


Beware of mis-fits                                                Board 11 from Monday 7th


This has been a topic in a number of news-sheets. Basically, the message has been the same – mis-fits are bad, stay low, and try not to be the declaring side when there is a mis-fit. West converted a lovely top into a complete bottom on this deal when it was an obvious mis-fit; he decided to declare in RHO’s suit rather than defend a contract which partner had doubled for penalties: -


Dealer:             KJ1087                                     

South               Q2                                              West          North         East          South

Love all            J9872                                          -                 -                 -               1

                        10                                              pass (1)      1              pass         2

dbl   (2)      2    (3)      pass         2   

965                    N             Q42                      pass           pass           dbl   (4)    pass

-                     W    E          AJ10983              3    (5)     pass           pass         dbl

KQ43                 S              A6                       all pass

A97632                              J4                        






(1)   This hand is a bit tricky and there are a few bids worth considering. A weak 3, an offbeat 2NT (UNT) and 2. But the hand is not really suitable for any of these bids and pass is best.

(2)   Showing ’s. fine.

(3)   Natural, and confirming to all of the world that N-S have a complete mis-fit.

(4)   Penalties – you guys ain’t making anything.

(5)   This is ludicrous, West has already stated his hand, the opponents are playing in a complete mis-fit which partner has doubled. Pass is very clear – collect the 500 on offer rather than give 500 away by bidding RHO’s 2nd suit. Actually, West can be almost certain that partner has 6 ’s, South’s bidding suggests five and North’s bidding suggests at most two.


And what happened? 3 doubled went for 500. 2 doubled would have gone for 500. Had N-S run to 2 (unlikely, North will pass 2 doubled holding Qx) then that would still be a top for E-W (2 undoubled went two down at another table).

The bottom lines: -

-         You will find that you run out of partners if you pull partner’s penalty double and convert +500 into -500.

-         Try not to be declarer with misfits.

It’s not forcing                                                      Board 23 from Monday 7th


Is a new suit over partner’s overcall forcing? This is probably up to partnership understanding – I play the most common treatment that it is constructive but non-forcing.


Dealer:             K108                                          Table A

South               K642                                          West(A)     North         East          South

Both vul            QJ102                                         -                 -                 -               pass

                        K5                                             pass           1              1    (1)    pass

2    (2)      pass           2    (3)    all pass  

J42                    N             AQ763                

A10983          W    E          Q5                        ‘Expert’ Table

A9                      S              876                      West(A)     North         East          South

J106                                   AQ8                     -                 -                 -               pass

                        95                                               pass           1              1    (1)    pass

J7                                               2    (2)      pass           4    (4)    all pass




Table A:     (1)  This 1 overcall is pretty obvious – do not double ‘to show an opening hand’.

(2)   What did you bid with this West hand A in this week’s quiz? Actually I think it’s quite close between a simple raise to 2 and a raise to 3 (using the Unassuming Cue bid). 2 would never enter my mind because (a) it’s not forcing (sequence S), and (b) there is a known 5-3 fit.

(3)   East did not trust his partner, seems he was right.

‘Expert’      (1)  Our expert West decided to try for game; and in that case the correct bid is 2

 Table               - the Unassuming Cue Bid – to show a sound raise to 3 or better. 3 here would be a weak bid.

(4)   And East has enough to bid game.


And what happened? 2 made +2, 4 was bid just once and made. The other three pairs all played in 2 (or 3) and deservedly got poor scores.

The bottom lines: -

-         Support partner! Do not introduce a 5 card suit of your own if you have 3 card support for partner’s 5 card major suit.

-         A new suit over partner’s overcall is usually played as constructive but non-forcing.

-         Alan Purdy was at the table and disagreed with the above statement – he claimed that a new suit by advancer (overcaller’s partner) is forcing by a non-passed hand. I guess it’s up to partnership agreement but non-forcing is standard. Here is a quote from my usual source ‘Standard Bridge Bidding for the 21st century – by Max Hardy’. On page 197 it states “A change of suits by advancer is a search for a better place to play and is non forcing”. The book is in the library and I always bring a copy of this book to the club if anybody wants to borrow it – it is easily the best general bidding book around but does assume two-over-one; quite so.


To bid (5) or not to bid …                                          Board 23 from Monday 7th


I was asked if North’s 5 bid at Table A was justified on this deal – my answer was that I was North at Table B and so the problem did not arise at our table.


Dealer:             KQ109743                                 Table A

South               Q                                                West          North(B)    East          South

E-W vul           AQ82                                         -                 -                 -               pass

                        5                                                pass           1    (1)      2   (2)    2

3   (3)      4    (4)      5   (5)    pass      

6                        N             A                          pass           5    (6)      dbl           all pass

KJ10763        W    E          94                        

54                       S              K109                   Table B

10764                                AKQ9832            West          North(B)    East          South

                        J852                                           -                 -                 -               pass

A852                                          pass           4    (1)      pass (7)    pass

J763                                            pass



Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this North hand B in this week’s quiz? It’s far too good for 3 and most players opened 1.

(2)   This looks right to me, double and then bidding ’s is the alternative.

(3)   West has ample to raise to 3. 3 (non-forcing but constructive) is the alternative.

(4)   North now shows his power with a jump to 4

(5)   … but it’s too late, E-W have found their fit …

(6)   … and North has no idea whether to pass or bid 5.

Table B:     (1)  This is my answer to question B.

(7)  And East does not know that partner has excellent support.    


And what happened? 4 made exactly for a top. Three North’s were in 5 doubled going one down (presumably with an auction similar to Table A) and one West was in 4-2.

The bottom lines: -

-         When non-vul, think about opening 4/ with a good suit even if only 7 card.

-         Pre-empt to the limit at favourable vulnerability in the third seat.

-         I was asked if North should North have bid 5 at (4)? I don’t know, I would not be in the mess as I open 4 and then never speak again.

-         Opening 4 solves any problems about bidding later (pass!).

-         Nobody was in 5, but it looks like one or two down to me.




A missed slam                              Board 25 from Wednesday 9th


Perhaps slam is not that easy to bid on this deal, but North sold out totally at Table B.


Dealer:             73                                               Table A

North               KQ4                                           West          North         East          South

E-W vul           AKJ4                                          -                 1             1            2    (1)

                        AJ65                                          2      (2)    4    (3)      pass         pass (4)


QJ104               N             AK9865              

7                     W    E          52                         Table B

Q7532                S              86                        West          North         East          South

Q107                                 983                      -                 1              2    (5)    3   

                        2                                                 3    (6)      dbl   (7)      all pass


109                                             Table C

K42                                           West          North         East          South

-                 1              2    (5)    4    (8)

4NT  (9)  etc to 6.


Table A:     (1)  Forcing, showing 5+ ’s.

(2)  I would bid 3 - pre-emptive and promising 4 ’s.

(3)   Maybe North should make a bigger noise – perhaps with 3?

(4)   But this really is a bit pathetic, with a great suit that partner has supported and a singleton in the opponent’s suit, RKCB is called for.

 Table B:    (5)  This East chose a weak jump overcall of 2 - quite reasonable.

(6)  I would bid 4 (the Law), but 3 proved quite good enough…

(7)   … when North doubled!

 Table C:    (8)  This South chose 4, as 3 is forcing I guess this shows a good suit?

(9)  And North stormed into Blackwood hoping that partner was short in ’s,


And what happened? 6 made for the top and 4 made +2. 3 doubled went only one down and the resultant 200 for N-S was a bottom for them.

The bottom lines: -

-         Don’t double for penalties without good trumps, especially when you have a fit for partner, this double at (7) is a terrible bid even at favourable vulnerability.

-         I don’t like the bidding at any of the tables. N-S should be in 6 but I don’t like North bidding Blackwood at (9) with two losing ’s, especially when he knows he’s getting a lead. One decent auction would be if South had bid RKCB at (4).

Wrongly criticised                                                Board 17 from Wednesday 9th


N-S missed a comfortable 3NT (or else a reasonable penalty) on this board at Table A; who would you blame – North or South? One of the pair was unjustly criticised on Wednesday and the real culprit got away unscathed… up until now.


Dealer:             KJ                                              Table A

North               AK8                                           West          North(D)    East  (E)   South(C)

Love all            A1092                                        -                 1    (1)      1    (2)    pass (3)

                        A1042                                        pass   (4)    1NT (5)      2            pass (6)

2              pass (7)      pass         pass (8) 

1065                  N             AQ9875              

9                     W    E          QJ1073                Table B

KQJ8764            S              5                          West          North(D)    East(E)     South(C)

95                                      3                          -                 1   (1)      1    (2)    3  

                        32                                               3    (9)      3NT           pass         pass

6542                                           4    (10)    dbl             all pass




Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this North hand D(a) in this week’s quiz? I always open 1 when 4-4 in the minors, but expert opinion is divided and many experts do advocate a 1 opening.

(2)   What did you bid with this East hand E in this week’s quiz? This hand has great playing strength and is probably just about good enough for a Michaels cue bid 2 followed by a bid. The very reasonable alternative is to overcall 1 followed by a bid if necessary.

(3)   What did you bid with this South hand C in this week’s quiz? The hand is not good enough for 2, but there is a far better alternative than pass – double – showing 4 ’s and values to compete.

(4)   With a known 5-3 or better fit I would bid 2.

(5)   What did you bid with this North hand D(b) in this week’s quiz? Apparently this North was criticized by one of the club’s leading players for rebidding 1NT with 19 points. I think that the bid is correct. One would normally bid the ‘automatic’ re-opening double in this position, but partner cannot reasonably be expected to have a penalty hand when you have this holding, so 1NT here shows stop(s) and a hand too good for a 1NT opening. Well bid Ivy.

(6)   Unfortunately South missed his 2nd chance to bid – 3NT would be fine.

(7)   North has stated her hand exactly and should not bid again.

(8)   South missed his 3rd chance to rescue the situation

 Table B:    (1)  This North chose 1 (well, it was me).

(2)  And East again opted for the 1 overcall.

(9)   West decided to bid his suit rather that support partner.

(10)   And West again decided not to support partner.


And what happened? 3NT by North is easy. 4 went minus two for a joint top to N-S but 4 would have gone only minus one for a good score to E-W. 2 by East made exactly for a top. One E-W pair sacrificed in 5 doubled (-2) when N-S bid 5. 5 by North makes on a squeeze/endplay/whatever according to Dave but it’s pretty academic when nobody is in it.

So who got it wrong at Table A? In my opinion North’s bidding was fine, South had three chances to show his hand and failed at every turn; North was certainly unjustly criticized.

The bottom lines: -

-     Opinions differ as to whether to open 1 or 1 when 4-4 in the minors; I always open 1 but that is a personal preference and many experts do advocate 1.

-         Support partner, West should have bid ’s rather than ’s (twice).

-         With a good 6 points opposite partner’s opening, remember the negative double.

-         A 1NT bid in sequence R (1  1  pass  pass  1NT) shows about 18-19 points.


A Multi Mix-up                                                    Board 3 from Friday 7th


As I have said in previous news-sheets, inexperienced or non-established pairs can often get mixed up when using the Multi 2 diamonds: -


Dealer:             1062                                          

South               AJ73                                          West          North         East          South(F)

E-W vul           43                                               -                 -                 -               2    (1)

                        983                                            pass           2    (2)      dbl           3   (3) 

dbl             pass (4)      pass         4    (5) 

973                    N             AKQ54                pass           pass           dbl   (6)    all pass

54                   W    E          K                         

K105                  S              AJ862            

AJ1064                              75                       






(1)   The Multi two diamonds: weak with a 6 card major or strong with a minor suit or strong and balanced.

(2)   Showing a willingness to compete to 3 or more if partner’s suit is ’s or else to play in 2 if partner’s suit is ’s.

(3)   What did you bid with this South hand F(b) in this week’s quiz? I believe that South got confused, thinking that North hand a hand similar to a 2NT enquiry, and responded accordingly. This is incorrect, North is not showing a strong hand and South should simply bid 3. 3 here shows a strong hand with a good suit.

(4)   North thinks that South has a good hand with ’s.

(5)   South thinks that North has a good hand with ’s.

(6)   East thinks that these guys don’t have a clue what they’re doing.


And what happened? 4 doubled went down two for 300 and a top for E-W. I note that another N-S pair bid to 5 going 4 down but were not doubled! At the third table E-W played in 3 (2 - pass - 3 - 3 - all pass).

The bottom lines: -

-         The Multi is an amusing gadget but that does not mean it’s better than traditional weak twos.

-         This hand is a good example (even assuming that South got it right) because North cannot immediately raise the pre-empt to 3 or 4 as he does not know South’s hand type.

-         If you really want to play the Multi – then understand all of the sequences!

-         I much prefer Benjamin twos to the Multi 2; no mix-ups.


Obey ‘The Law’                           Board 21 from Monday 7th


N-S got clobbered here. South blamed North for ‘bidding with just 3 points’. Who would you blame?


Dealer:             J1054                                        

North               875                                             West          North         East          South

N-S vul            J72                                              -                 pass           1           1

                        J84                                             1NT           2    (1)      3           3    (2)

dbl             all pass      

K76                   N             2                          

K42                W    E          AQ103                

K9853                S              106                

76                                      AKQ1093           






(1)   A bit light, but it does contain 4 decent ’s and so is fairly safe...

(2)   … but not with this partner, this is totally wrong. East has shown a big hand and West has 6-9 points – that does not leave partner with a lot. And even if South believes that the points are evenly balanced between the partnerships he should still pass because of the LAW of total tricks. In competitive auctions you should only bid to the level of the number of combined trumps. Points are a secondary consideration – with only 5 ’s South should pass as North has only promised 3 ’s, and E-W may not even bid game because of the interference and support.


And what happened? 3 went three down for 800 away and a bottom for N-S. Most E-W pairs were in 3NT making +2.

The bottom lines: -

-         Obey the Law.




Dave’s Column                   Board 23 from Wednesday 9th


Here is part of this week’s Dave input involving the best play for the contract.


North               South                     You reach a reasonable 6 by South on the this deal, with

Q43              AK10986           no opposition bidding, and West leads the K.

KJ86            A742                  You ruff the 2nd and lead the A upon which East shows

K876            AQ                     out. How do you continue?

103              Q                      



Dave’s Column answer                           


The actual article goes into “when a simple squeeze will not work because of entry problems, look for a criss-cross squeeze”…

This really is far too complex for the news-sheets. Now it’s fairly obvious that South can pick up West’s J753 but two out of three declarers at the Pattaya bridge club played the 6 to the Q at trick 3 to let West later make his J! If the majority cannot even see that they can pick up the J then I think I (Terry) am wasting my time if I write up the criss-cross squeeze?

And what happened? Everybody was in 4; one made exactly and two made +1.


Bidding Sequences Quiz Answers        


G     1      dbl     3                      3 is pre-emptive after a double. With a sound raise to 3, bid the Jordan 2NT

H     1      1      3                      3 here is up to partnership understanding. Many also play this

as weak but standard is that it’s the same as without the overcall.

J      1     1      2                      2 is forcing, a good 5+ card suit.

K     1      dbl     2                      2 is weak, a 6+ card suit. With a good hand, redouble.

L      1     1      dbl     pass       2 here is weakish, about 6-9 and a 5+ card suit.

2     pass   2     

M    1     1      pass   pass       2 here is weak, about 0-5 and a 5+ card suit.

dbl     pass   2     

N     1     pass   1      2          This is up to partnership understanding. Standard is that it is

dbl                                       penalties but a Support Double is an excellent alternative. You could play it as showing 4 ’s if you do not play Support Doubles

P      1     pass   1      2          Penalties unless you play Support Doubles. This time partner

dbl                                       has ‘denied’ ’s and so there is no need to show the unbid major.

Q     1     1      pass   pass       12+, this is simply the ‘automatic’ re-opening double.


R     1      1      pass   pass       1NT here is around 18-19 with good stop(s).


S      1      1      pass   2          A simple change of suit over partner’s overcall is not forcing.

T      1      1      pass   3          3 is weak and pre-emptive.

U     1      1      pass   2          The 2 Unassuming Cue Bid shows a sound raise to 3 or better.

V     2      pass   2NT   dbl         2NT over a Multi asks partner to define his hand and 3 shows

3                                       a weak two in ’s but at the upper range, about 8-10. If opener has a strong hand he bids 4 as slam is surely on the cards.

W    2      pass   2      dbl         (a)  2is pass or correct over a Multi 2 (if opener is weak) and

3                                             simply shows a weak hand with ♥’s that is able to compete to 3♥ or more if opener has a weak ♥ hand.

(b)  3 shows a strong hand with ’s.


A High reverse is game forcing                          Board 12 from Friday 11th


Dealer:             83                                              

West                KQ753                                       West          North         East          South

N-S vul            106                                             1              pass           1NT         2

                        AK92                                         3    (1)      pass           4    (2)    pass

pass (3)      pass

AK6                  N             105                      

A10942          W    E          6                     (1)  This is called a high reverse and it’s game

KQ543               S              AJ972                  forcing.

-                                         Q8743           (2)  Obviously East likes ’s but he does not bid

                        QJ9742                                      bid 5 (fast arrival) as there may be a slam.

J8                                         (3)  Unfortunately West was on a different wavelength.

8                                                 Clearly West should bid on because: -

                        J1065                                         (a) the sequence is game forcing,

(b) it’s gone past 3NT,

(c) partner has shown encouragement for a slam.


And what happened? 4 made +2 for a fully deserved total bottom. The two other E-W pairs bid to 5. Nobody bid 6. The bottom lines: -

A high reverse is game forcing.

-         Don’t pass below game in game forcing sequences.

-         If you’ve gone past 3NT, then a minor suit slam is often the best bet.


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    2 or 2. This hand is close between 2 and a limit raise to 3. If you think it’s worth a game try then cue bid 2 to show a sound raise to 3 or better. 3 is wrong because it’s a weak pre-emptive raise and 2 is wrong because it’s not forcing and you already have a known fit. 4 out of 5 got this wrong (bid 2) on Monday.

Hand B:    4 (or 4 playing Namyats). It’s far too good for 3 and if you open 1 that will enable the opponents to find their or fit. The lack of an 8th is compensated for by the good 2nd suit and the vulnerability.

Hand C:    Dbl. Negative, showing 4 ’s and values to compete.

Hand D:    (a)  1. I always open 1 when 4-4 in the minors and cannot open 1NT. However, this is not universally accepted but with this hand it is certainly best as you have a 2NT rebid over any 1-level response from partner. What’s more, a 1 opening enables a fit to be found if that is the best strain.

                  (b)  1NT. This is NOT 12-14. It shows a hand too good for a 1NT opening and with good ’s. Note that this is one of the rare exceptions where you should not re-open with a double – it is fairly certain that partner does not have a penalty hand, so tell him what you’ve got at the safe 1-level. 2NT is an overbid.

Hand E:    Either 1 or 2 of the suit opened. If you play Michaels as either weak or strong then this hand is just about strong enough to insist upon game by using Michaels and then bidding again. Overcalling 1 with a view to bidding the ’s later if necessary is the alternative.

Hand F:     (a)  3, showing a good weak 2 opening (3 shows a bad 2 opening and 4

shows a strong hand)

                  (b)  3, showing a weak 2 opening (3 shows a strong hand).