Club News Sheet – No. 237        20th May 2007

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 086 6089887

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

Mon 14th    1st  Albert & Dennis                  67%           2nd    Bengt & Janne                          65%

Wed 16th    1st Phil & Kenneth                   60%           2nd    Paul Sc & Sean = Bob & Jo     52%

Fri  18th      1st  Paul Sc & Gene                  64%           2nd    Dave & Hugh                           60%  

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Bidding Quiz                           Standard American is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A RHO opens a weak 2, what do you bid?


AK987         J2                 With Hand B you open 1and partner responds 1,

AJ                AK102         (a)  What do you bid?      

J2                  J10                (b)  Suppose you choose 2 and partner bids 2, what now?

KJ32            AQ983


Hand C           Hand D           What do you open with Hand C?


AQJ54          10432                                       

K42              KQ92           With Hand D partner opens 1 and RHO doubles, what 

AK               AQ7             do you bid?

A52              82


Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E partner opens 2NT, what do you bid?   


10632           K6               

J75               Q87              With Hand F partner opens a weak 2 and RHO overcalls 2,

8764             2                   what do you bid?

K4               AKQJ875


Hand G           Hand H           With Hand G partner opens 1 and you respond 1. Partner

then bids 1, what do you bid?

J7                 KQ                                                

AQ9632       AQ9632       With Hand H it’s the same sequence, partner opens 1 and you

Q987            K987            respond 1. Partner then bids 1, what do you bid?

3                  3


Hand J            Hand K           With Hand J you open 1 and partner responds 1, what

do you bid?

Q764            K1064                                 

J                   AK932                                

AK               -                    With Hand K you open 1 and partner responds 1, what 

A87432        AQJ7           do you bid?




Bidding Sequences Quiz        All of these sequences occurred this week


L      1      pass   2                    Is 3 invitational or forcing?


M    1      pass   1                    Is 3 invitational or forcing?


N     1      pass   1                    Is 4 shut-out or strong?


P      1      dbl     4                    Is 4 shut-out or strong?

Q     1      dbl     redbl                What is redouble?

R     1      dbl     2NT                 What is 2NT?

S      1     pass   1                    2 is a reverse (forcing), is 2 forcing. I.e. does reverser

2      pass   2                    promise another bid?

T      1     pass   1                    3 is strong, generally with a 6 card suit, but is it forcing?

1      pass   3                  

U     1     pass   1                    2 is 4th suit forcing and 2NT promises a stop;

1      pass   2                    3 is strong, generally with a 6 card suit, but is it forcing?

          2NT   pass   3


The Club Championships

I have calculated the club 2007 championship standings to date and they are in the results folder and on the web. Note that all competitions, including individuals, now count towards the club championships. Nobody has yet qualified (30 results) for the Gold cup; the top 5 for the silver and bronze are currently: -

Silver plate = Best 10                                             Bronze medal = Best 5


650.4  Janne Roos                                                  337.3  Janne Roos

634.5  Lars Gustaffson                                           336.2  Bengt Malmgren

627.1  Gunnar Barthel                                            332.9  Paul Savelkral

626.7  Bengt Malmgren                                          325.6  Gunnar Barthel

625.8  Paul Savelkral                                              325.6  Lars Gustafsson



Too high after a reverse                                      Board 14 from Monday 14th


Every E-W pair got too high on this board.


Dealer:             A95                                            Table A

East                  J8                                               West          North         East(B)     South

Love all            862                                             -                 -                 1   (1)    pass (2) 

                        J10654                                       1              pass           2    (3)    pass

2    (4)      pass           2NT (5)    pass

Q87643             N             J2                         3    (6)      all pass              

Q76                W    E          AK102                

K73                    S              J10                       Table B

J7                                       AQ983                 West          North         East(B)     South

                        K10                                            -                 -                 1   (1)    1    (2) 

9543                                           1              pass           2   (7)    pass

AQ954                                       2              pass           3    (8)    pass

                        K2                                             3    (9)      all pass              



Table A:     (1)  This is best, 1NT is not a sensible option with two weak doubletons.

(2)   Looks like a fairly routine 2 overcall to me.

(3)   What did you bid with this East hand B(a) in this week’s quiz? It’s just about worth a reverse into 2. The two long suits are good and it has tolerance for partner’s ’s.

(4)   This is fairly clear, showing a weak hand with six ’s.

(5)   What did you bid with this East hand B(a) in this week’s quiz? I can see no reason for East to bid on, he has already shown around 15-18 points with 5 ’s and 4’s and is minimum with reasonable support.

(6)   Whatever West does now does not matter – they’ve gone past 2.

Table B:     (2)  South sensibly decided to overcall here.

                  (7)  I would ignore the overcall and still reverse into 2. This 2 bid does not show the strength or shape oh the hand.

(8)   And for some reason East decides to press on; partner’s two bids have not improved this hand and pass is clear.

(9)   If I was West I would take partner for a bigger hand and with a maximum for West’s bidding so far I would bid 3NT (and go even more down).


And what happened? Nobody stopped in 2. 4-1 was bid three times and 3 went two down.

The bottom lines: -

-         6-2 fits play better than 4-3 fits.

-         Sequence S (1 - 1 - 2 - 2) is non-forcing.

-         When you have reversed, you have said your hand unless you have significant extras. This East hand is barely worth a reverse and most certainly does not have extras.

-         There is a section on the reverse on the web-site (conventions > Section 1 > The Reverse)

-         Finally, a recurring theme – stay low with mis-fits; East knows it’s at best a 6-2 fit and so he should settle for 2.


Overcall or double?                                             Board 8 from Monday 14th


Most N-S pairs again got too high on this board.


Dealer:             Q105                                          Table A

West                Q9853                                        West          North         East          South(A)

Love all            Q75                                            pass           pass           2            dbl   (1)

                        108                                            pass           2              pass         2    (2)

pass           4    (3)      all pass

642                    N             J3                              

K10642          W    E          7                           Table B

A9                      S              K108643             West          North         East          South(A)

Q75                                   A964                    2    (4)      pass           pass         dbl   (5)

                        AK987                                       pass           2NT (6)      pass         3    (7) 

AJ                                              pass           pass (8)      all pass            


                        KJ32                                          Table C

West          North         East          South(A)

pass           pass           2            2    (1)

all pass


Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this East hand A in this week’s quiz? I simply cannot understand why people want to double (despite my continual writings) and thus propel themselves into unmakeable games, when they can describe their hand perfectly with a 2 overcall

(2)   2 now, having previously doubled, shows a hand too good for an immediate 2 overcall.

(3)   And North, quite correctly, bid the hopeless 4.

Table B:     (4)  This West chose a somewhat off-beat 2 opener.

(5)   But it mattered not to this South, who also doubled instead of bidding the obvious 2.

(6)   With 8 points and stops, 2NT is clear here, with pass an alternative.

(7)   And this South also said that he had a huge hand, which he does not.

(8)   I would automatically bid 4 here. Perhaps that explains why I often get scores of 30% - I foolishly(?) believe my partner’s bids and bid correctly myself.

Table C:     (1)  Finally somebody got it right. Well done Hugh (I believe Hugh was South at table C); it seems that Hugh’s bidding has evolved from the level of ‘double with any opening hand’. Good show; maybe my continual writings do actually have some effect?


And what happened? 2 is the best spot and should make exactly. 4 went two down, serves South at Table A right.

The bottom lines: -

-         Don’t double when you have a 5 card major (simply overcall) unless VERY strong.

-         Do not double “to show an opening hand” when you have a better alternative.

-         Double followed by a bid shows a very strong hand.


Never deny a 4 card major                                  Board 2 from Monday 14th


Same old story, the fit (this time 5-4) got 2 more tricks than No trumps.


Dealer:             87                                               Table A

East                  Q108                                          West          North         East(C)    South

N-S vul            QJ105                                         -                 -                 1    (1)    pass

                        Q1073                                       pass (2)      pass


10632                N             AQJ54                  Table B           

J75                 W    E          K42                      West(D)     North         East(C)    South

8764                   S              AK                      -                 -                 2NT (1)    pass

K4                                     A52                      3NT  (3)     all pass      


A963                                          Table C             

932                                             West(D)     North         East(C)    South

                        J986                                           -                 -                 2NT (1)    pass

3   (3)      pass           3            pass

4              all pass


Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this East hand C in this week’s quiz? It’s a good 21 points and 1 simply is not good enough – it may get passed out with an easy game on. 2NT is fine with a 5 card major.

(2)  I would bid 2, but that’s no defense for East’s poor opening.

Table B:     (1)  Most East’s opened the sensible 2NT.

(3)  What did you bid with this West hand D in this week’s quiz? Never deny a 4 card major; even though the ’s are 10xxx, 3NT is a terrible bid.

Table C: (1,3)  This East-west pair got it right, the 2NT opening is correct, 3 was standard Stayman and they arrived at the top spot.


And what happened? 4 was only bid only once and so scored an outright top. 1 was not quite a bottom because one E-W pair somehow landed up in a silly 4NT minus one. According to deep Finesse, 4 makes exactly and 3NT goes minus one.

The bottom lines: -

-         Never deny a 4 card major.

-         Even if you are one of the quaint old-fashioned players who will not open 1NT with a 5-card major, a 2NT opening most certainly may contain a 5 card major - what other sensible opening is there with this East hand C?

-         In fact, because 2NT very often contains a good 5 card major, there is a convention that enables responder to search for both a possible 5-3 major suit fit as well as a 4-4 fit. It’s called Puppet Stayman and enables all 4-4 and 5-3 major suit fits to be found after a 2NT opening. It’s part of the Niemeijer complex (very popular in Holland) and is written up on the web site.


Left in the Dark                                                   Board 17 from Monday 14th


North was criticised for making an unnecessary sacrifice on this board at Table A – but he has my sympathies – his partner left him in the dark


Dealer:             AKJ765                                      Table A

North               -                                                 West          North         East          South(D)

Love all            J9865                                          -                 1              dbl           4      (1)

                        Q9                                             5    (2)      5    (3)      pass         pass   (4)


Q9                     N             8                                

J10753           W    E          A864                    Table B

4                         S              K1032                 West          North         East          South(D)

J7643                                 AK105                 -                 1              dbl           redbl  (1)

                        10432                                         2              2              3            dbl     (5)

KQ92                                         pass           3    (6)      4            4      (7)

AQ7                                           all pass


‘Expert’ Table

West          North         East          South(D)

-                 1              dbl           2NT (1)

4    (8)      4              pass (9)    all pass


Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this South hand D in this week’s quiz? This 4 bid is incorrect as it shows a weak pre-emptive hand with usually 5 ’s.

(2)   It’s only 4 points but I too would bid 5 – assuming that partner’s double guarantees ’s or else a very strong hand.

(3)   I was asked about this bid – South was unhappy because he wanted to double 5. The problem is all of South’s making – his poor bid at (1). I too would bid 5 with this North hand – I expect the opponents to make 11 or more tricks in ’s.

(4)   South was unhappy, but it’s his own fault in my opinion.

Table B:     (1)  This South chose a much better bid for question (D), but it’s not the best bid.

Redouble here shows 10+ points and is obviously far better than 4.

(5)   Penalties – dubious with E-W freely bidding and agreeing ’s and with 4 card support for partner’s 5+ card suit.

(6)   Luckily for South, North pulled the double.

(7)   It’s one level higher now, but South sensibly decided (somewhat belatedly) to show his support rather than doubling again.

Table C:     (1)  This is the best answer to question (D) – the Jordan 2NT showing a sound raise to 3 or better.

(8)   A good pre-emptive bid.

(9)   North can confidently bid 4.

(10)   East could bid 5 but then South would be able to double for penalties.


And what happened? 4 was bid and made exactly at two tables (420), bid and doubled at a third (590). 5 went one down (-100) and 5 doubled would have gone for 500.

The bottom lines: -

-         A direct raise to 4 of partner’s 1/ opening is weak; especially after a double.

Setting up a game force using the 4th suit           Board 25 from Wednesday 16th


Just one pair reached the excellent 3NT on this deal: -


Dealer:             J8743                                         West(H)     North         East          South

North               K105                                          -                 pass           1   (1)    pass

E-W vul           J3                                                1              pass           1            pass

                        Q84                                           2    (2)      pass           2NT         pass

3    (3)      pass           3NT (4)    all pass

KQ                    N             A952                       

AQ9632         W    E          J                     (1)  I prefer this to 1.        

K987                  S              Q1065            (2)  What did you bid with this West hand H in

3                                        AJ97                    in this weeks quiz? 3 is incorrect as it is

                        106                                             not forcing (and East would certainly pass!).

874                                       (3)  This is now game forcing (having used 4th suit)        

A42                                      (4)  East begrudgingly bid game.



And what happened? This was the only E-W pair to reach 3NT, making +1. Other contracts were the lower-scoring 5 making exactly and 2+1.

The bottom lines: -

-         Sequence T (1 - 1 - 1 - 3) is not forcing.

-         The way to make it forcing is to bid the 4th suit first (so sequence U).







Dave’s Column   Here is this week’s Dave input involving the best play for the contract.


North               South                     You reach a reasonable 3NT by South on the this deal, with

AJ                 Q973                  no opposition bidding, and West leads the 2

Q                  AJ103                (a) Which do you play from dummy and (b) which red suit

J10865          Q2                      do you attack when you get the lead?

AKQJ2        874                   


Dave’s Column answer


Which suit to attack in No trumps?                    Board 23 from Wednesday 16th



Dealer:             AJ                                               West          North         East          South

South               Q                                                -                 -                 -               pass

Both vul            J10865                                        pass           1              pass         1

                        AKQJ2                                      pass           3             pass         3NT

all pass

10862                N             K54               

K752              W    E          9864               The bidding seems straight forward and

K3                      S              A974              Dave put this in as a play problem in 3NT.

1065                                  93                  This is, however, Pattaya bridge club and no

                        Q973                                    matter how obvious it is we always get a good

AJ103                                  number not playing in the predestined contract.

Q2                                        This time the board was played just 3 times

                        874                                      and the other contracts were 6NT and 3♣.


I have no idea how two-thirds of the Pattaya bridge club can get into these two ridiculous contracts at either extreme, so let’s just get onto the play in the sensible 3NT.

You get a small lead, where do you win and which red suit do you attack?

The best play, I believe, is to take the A at trick one and immediately lead the Q. This is better than attacking ’s because (i) the ’s may not split, and (ii) You very likely have 10 tricks (3 ’s, 2 ’s and 5 ’s) without needing to touch the ’s.

Dave did not give me the analysis of this deal - he just told me that he had put it in after I had played it and to have a look at the play. He added that it’s correct to play the A at trick one because otherwise you may have entry problems to the South hand. I believe that the two experts in Dave’s book went down when they played the J at trick one and a was returned. East later got in with the ace and so E-W scored two ’s, two ’s and one for one down.

At the one sensible table in the Pattaya bridge Club where N-S were actually in 3NT declarer won the A and led the Q which West won. A was led to East’s K and a returned. Declarer won with the Q and cashed his ’s and ’s. Declarer thus made 2 ’s, 3 ’s and 5 ’s for +1.

And what happens if West ducks the Q at trick two? I think that declarer can scramble 9 tricks before E-W get their 5 – he has won the A and the Q and has 5 tricks to come, he must surely also get another and either a or the A before the opponents get their 5 tricks. I would have switched to a had the Q held.

So my answers are (a) the A and (b) ’s.

With a long solid minor, think NoTrumps – part 1      Board 14 from Wednesday 16th


Just one pair reached the excellent 6NT on this deal: -


Dealer:             K7532                                        Table A

East                  752                                             West          North         East          South

Love all            10532                                         -                 -                 1            pass

                        10                                              2    (1)      pass           3   (2)    pass

6NT (3)      all pass

Q                       N             AJ8                

A83                W    E          KQJ104               ‘Expert’ Table

AKQJ76             S              -                           West          North         East          South

A84                                    Q9762                 -                -                 1            pass

                        10964                                         2NT (1)      pass           3    (4)    pass

96                                               4NT (5)      pass           5            pass

984                                             7NT (6)              all pass



Table A:     (1)  With just 3 trumps a splinter is not recommended, and lacking more sophisticated methods for the partnership, West simply bid 2, game forcing playing 2/1.

(2)   Expert opinion differs as to whether this should show extra values when playing 2/1 (the auction is already game forcing). My opinion is that it should not and I agree with the bid – bid out your shape.

(3)   But here we see the problem with West not having a forcing raise available

at (1) – he cannot ask for keycards with ’s as ‘trumps’ so he simply went for

the high scoring 6NT rather than 6.

‘Expert’      (1)  Our experts play Jacoby 2NT of course, and although West is not sure that ’s

 Table               is going to be the final strain he wants to set ’s as trumps (temporarily) in a game forcing sequence before finding out more about partner’s hand.

(4)   Showing a shortage (singleton or void). East could bid 4 to show a 5 card suit but this suit is rather anemic.

(5)   RKCB with ’s as trumps.

(6)   Two keycards plus the Q. East actually had a choice here, he could have bid 5NT to show 2 keycards and a void, but having already shown shortage it’s best to show the trump queen.

 (7) West can be pretty sure of 5 ’s, 6 ’s, 1 and 1 and so bids the grand; at teams scoring 7 may be better as the contract may still come home if the ’s don’t behave.


And what happened? The board was played 3 times; two pairs bid 6+1 and 6NT+1 scored a top.

The bottom lines: -

-         More experienced players really should play the Jacoby 2NT convention.

-         It’s virtually always best to play in a major suit 4-4 fit, but a 5-3 fit is different. With all suits well stopped a No Trump contract may well be better, especially at pairs scoring.


With a long solid minor – think NoTrumps – part 2   Board 22 from Friday 18th


Just two pairs out of five reached the excellent 3NT on this deal: -


Dealer:             K6                                              West          North(F)    East          South

East                  Q87                                            -                 -                 pass         2

E-W vul           2                                                 2              3NT (1)      all pass


(1)  What did you bid with this North hand F in

A102                 N             QJ874                  this week’s quiz? With a long solid minor

A5432            W    E          K10                      and a probable stop you should not just

Q4                      S              K875                    ‘think’ 3NT – you should bid it!

1093                                  64                       






And what happened? 3NT was bid at two tables and made exactly. There were the usual couple of players who insist upon playing in their minor and 3 made exactly and 4 went one down. One E-W pair were allowed to find 4 and that went just two down for an average score.

The bottom lines: -

-         With a long solid minor and a (probable) stop in the opponent’s suit, bid 3NT.

-         Note that the 3NT bid at (1) stops E-W finding their fit.








Leading Quiz


QJ9              West        North       East          South               You are North, what do you lead?

1073             -               -               pass         pass                 Answer next page

532               1            pass         1NT         pass      

A1082          2            all pass




Follow Partner’s lead?                 Board 2 from Friday 18th


Bob’s sister apparently follows our news-sheets in America and asked if I could include more on defence. I generally concentrate on the bidding and Dave’s column is usually about declarer play. Why no defence? Well, maybe it’s because I’m not that good a defender, or maybe because it takes a lot of time to write up. But I did notice this appalling defense on Friday, so here goes: -


Dealer:             QJ9                                            West          North         East          South

East                  1073                                           -                 -                 pass         pass

N-S vul            532                                             1              pass           1NT         pass

                        A1082          DUMMY               2              all pass


K87542             N             A3                  There’s nothing to the bidding but what did you

K65                W    E          82                   lead in the bidding quiz on the previous page?

Q                        S              KJ986             This North found the good lead of the Q. 

KQ                                    J963               His reasoning was that this cannot cost as dummy

cannot have A10x or K10x (he did not

                        106                                       support ’s) and it’s quite likely that dummy has

AQJ9                                   two ’s and a doubleton elsewhere and will

A1074                                  get a ruff unless trumps are pulled.



And, low and behold, North got it spot on, dummy has just two ’s and may manufacture a ruff there. Declarer can see that he won’t now get a ruff and should probably win with the K and lead the Q – then he still has the A entry to the ’s on table.

Anyway, declarer won immediately with dummy’s A. He now has two reasonable options, a or a . But because of the trump lead it’s pretty obvious that he won’t get a ruff and so he led a low . South rose with the A and what did he do?

Let’s put it another way – what is the most ludicrous ‘line’ that South can adopt?

Did you guess it? He led the A followed by another ! Absolutely amazing. Not only did West score his king and also score a ruff but he also go to the otherwise entry-less dummy to cash the two top ’s. As I said – amazing.

A trump return is totally obvious. Note that a may seem a reasonable alternative but the problem is that when partner wins the trick he does not know that you have the 10 and will be unwilling to lead trumps again from his Jx.

And what happened? 2 made +1 for a top to E-W. A trump return at trick 3 would have got the contract one down for a top to N-S.

The bottom lines: -

-         If dummy is threatening to ruff a suit, then lead trumps.

-         If you don’t have a clue what you’re doing, then follow partner’s lead?




Is 3 forcing? – part 1                                         Board 13 from Friday 18th



Dealer:             K1064                                        Table A

North               AK932                                       West          North(K)    East          South

Both vul            -                                                  -                 1              pass         1

                        AQJ7                                         pass           3    (1)      pass         pass (2)


A92                   N             Q5                       

875                 W    E          QJ64                    Table B

A932                  S              K875                    West          North(K)    East          South

654                                    64                        -                 1              pass         1

                        J873                                           pass           4    (1)      pass         4    (3)

10                                               all pass




Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this North hand K in this week’s quiz? This 3 bid is incorrect as it simply an invitational bid.

(2)  And with his minimum South correctly passed.

Table B:     (1)  This North got it right. 4 here is a splinter agreeing ’s, game forcing and showing shortage (singleton or void).

(3)  And with his minimum South correctly signs off in 4.


And what happened? 2(+4), 3(=), 4 (twice, = and -1) and 6 (-1) were the usual assortment of final contracts at the Pattaya Bridge Club. 4 is where you want to be.

The bottom lines: -

-         Sequence M: 1 - 1 - 3, is invitational.

-         With game values and shortage opposite partner’s suit – splinter.

-         If you do not play splinters, then 4 at (1) shows a strong hand.


Is 3 forcing? – part 2                                         Board 15 from Friday 18th



Dealer:             A1032                                       

North               A32                                            West          North         East          South(J)

N-S vul            Q7                                              -                 pass           pass         1

                        J965                                           pass           1              pass         3    (1)

pass           4    (2)      all pass

95                      N             KJ8                     

KQ5               W    E          1098764              

86542                 S              J1093                   

KQ10                                -                          






 (1) What did you bid with this South hand J in this week’s quiz? This is only in the quiz because one player bid 3with this hand (meant as invitational), but also bid 3(forcing) with Hand K on the previous page! Obviously you can’t have it both ways, and 3 in this sequence is invitational. This is a nice South hand and well worth 3but no more.

(2)  And North has a very sound 4 bid.


And what happened? Unfortunately the cards lay badly for N-S, 4 was bid twice and went one down. 4 seems obvious, but there were the usual spurious final contracts of 3(-1 and +1) and 5(-2).

The bottom lines: -

-         Sequence M: 1 - 1 - 3, is invitational.



Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    2. With a 5 card suit this is very clear. Double is a very poor choice that is likely to get your side too high.

Hand B:    (a)  2, as reverse showing around 15-18 points. It’s marginal – the hand is only just about worth a reverse, but I don’t see any other real alternative.

                  (b)  Pass, you have already bid your hand. 2NT is a poor bid with nothing in ’s and it’s a mis-fit (stay low in the presumed 6-2 fit).

Hand C:    2NT. Don’t worry about having a 5 card major. 1 is a poor opening as it may get passed out with game on (it did!)

Hand D:    2NT, the Jordan 2NT showing a sound raise to 3 or better. Redouble, showing 10+ points is a reasonable alternative. The direct 4 is not a reasonable alternative as it shows a weak hand.

Hand E:    3, Stayman. 3NT is a very poor bid – never deny a 4 card major.

Hand F:     3NT. You have a probable stop so don’t mess about bidding ’s. Although 3 is forcing it is a poor bid because (i) it may allow the opponents to find their fit, and (ii) you may well miss a making 3NT.

Hand G:    3, invitational and showing a good 6 card suit.

Hand H:    2, 4th suit forcing, to be followed by 3. As we saw in the previous hand a direct 3 bid is not forcing and the way to make it forcing is to go via the 4th suit.

Hand J:     3. It’s not good enough for a 3 splinter and really is too good for a simple 2♠.

Hand K:    4. A splinter agreeing ’s, showing shortage and slam interest. If you do not play splinters then 4 is best – that shows a strong hand, about 18-19 points.


Bidding Sequences Quiz        All of these sequences occurred this week


L      1      pass   2                    3 is forcing over partner’s two level response.


M    1      pass   1                    3 here is invitational, around 15-17 with 4 card support.


N     1      pass   1                    4 is strong, around 18-19 with 4 card support. If you play

4                                        splinters the bid denies shortage elsewhere.

P      1      dbl     4                    This jump to 4 is weak and pre-emptive.

Q     1      dbl     redbl                redouble shows 10 + points, often with a mis-fit for partner.

R     1      dbl     2NT                 The Jordan 2NT, showing a sound raise to 3 or better.

S      1     pass   1                    2 is not forcing, it shows a weak hand with 6 ’s and

2      pass   2                    the reverser may well pass.

T      1     pass   1                    3 is not forcing, it’s invitational.

1      pass   3                  

U     1     pass   1                    This 3 bid is forcing; the previous sequence T is invitational

1      pass   2                    and to make the 3 bid (game) forcing you introduce 4th suit

2NT   pass   3                    forcing first.