Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 355

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880              30th Aug 2009

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 24th      1st = Dave & Terry Q                               =      Janne & Paul Q                     61%

Wed 26th      1st    Bill P & Bob S                   56%       2nd    John B & Kenneth                  56%

Fri   28th      1st     Janne & Paul S                   59%       2nd    Bill P & Bob S                       54%

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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A LHO opens 1, partner overcalls 2 and RHO

bids 2, what do you do?

643               K

A1052          KQJ10        

AQ97           AK8            With Hand B partner opens 1 (4+) and you bid 1. Partner bids

53                AQJ73         2 and you ask for keycards. He has two, and if you ask he has

no king, what do you bid?



Ron Klinger web site


Current club championship standings



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1894.9 Janne Roos

1875.8 Hans Vikman

1842.6 Paul Quodomine

1789.8 Sally Watson

1719.4 Bob Short

673.8 Janne Roos

672.4 Hans Vikman

649.3 Paul Quodomine

633.8 Sally Watson

619.9 Jeremy Watson

618.1 Bob Short

615.1 Lars Broman

614.1 Ivy Schlageter

611.3 Gerard Hardy 

611.3 Derek Tyms

350.7 Hans Vikman

350.6 Janne Roos

333.3 Paul Quodomine

324.5 Sally Watson

321.8 Ivy Schlageter

321.7 Bob Short

321.7 Jeremy Watson

321.0 Per Andersson

316.9 Terje Lie

316.1 Lars Broman


Enough for a Grand?                                           Board 24 from Friday 28th   



Dealer:             107653                                       Table A

West                4                                                 West          North         East(B)     South

Love all            943                                            1              pass           1    (1)    pass

                        10952                                        2              pass           4NT         pass

5              pass           7    (2)    all pass  

AJ9                     N               K                       

A832              W    E            KQJ10              Table B

QJ62                  S                AK8                  West          North         East(B)     South

64                                        AQJ73               1              pass           1    (1)    pass

Q842                                          2              pass           4NT         pass

9765                                           5              pass           5NT (2)    pass

1075                                          6   (3)      pass           6NT (4)    all pass



Table A:     (1)  2 is an alternative, but since you know you are going to slam I think it makes little difference.

                  (2)  What did you bid with this East hand B in this week’s quiz? There is a combined 35+ points with a known 4-4 fit and all of the keycards. Holding a singleton this East decided to bid the grand in ’s.

Table B:     (2)  This East was not so optimistic. They were playing a short (thus 4 ’s) and so he knew his partner probably had at most 5 black cards, so there would likely be at most one ruff. It seemed to him that the only realistic chance of a grand slam is if partner has the K, and so he asked.

(3)   This pair play simple number of kings, so this showed zero. Playing specific King responses the answer would be 6 - a return to the presumed trump suit.

(4)   With these decent ’s, it seemed that the K was the only possible loser and so East chose 6NT as it scores more than 6.


And what happened? 7NT-1, 7-1 and 6NT= twice.

-         It is usually best to play in a good 4-4 major suit fit, but if you have so many points that 12 trick seem inevitable, then bid NoTrumps.

-         It’s against the odds to bid a grand slam on a finesse.


A bad hand for Lebensohl                                   Board 13 from Wednesday 26th  



Dealer:             AK976                                       West          North         East          South

North               J1074                                         -                 pass           pass         pass

Both vul            J109                                           1NT           2    (1)      3NT   (2)  pass      

                        10                                              4    (3)      all pass


QJ                      N               1085             (1)  N-S had agreed to play the Meckwell  

AQ986           W    E            53                      defence to 1NT, and dbl systematically

A732                  S                KQ65                shows both majors (with other options).

K6                                       AQ73                 North had the convention written down in

432                                             front of him but was apparently unable

K2                                              to locate the correct bid.      

84                                         (2)  Showing values for 3NT but denying a

J98542                                       stop (playing Lebensohl).

(3)  With no stop himself West bid the obvious 4


And what happened? 4-1, 3NT= and three partscores.

The bottom lines: -

-         I guess ability to remember a convention discussed just 20 minutes before, and the inability to read the system bid on a crib sheet on the table after studying it, sometimes simply lucks out. And sometimes such luck will win a competition by one pip.

-         Lebensohl is a great convention, unfortunately it is not good enough to detect 10xx opposite QJ as a stop. From West’s point of view, 10xx (or possibly singleton K) was the only holding that East could possibly have to provide a stop – very unlucky.

-         Of course had North made the correct systematic bid to show both majors then East would simply have bid 3NT to play (implying nothing about his major suits) and 3NT makes easily.

 -         The Meckwell defence to 1NT is briefly described on the website: Conventions > section 3 > Defense to 1NT


Playing the wrong board                                      Board 1 from Friday 28th  


Board 1 was unfortunately played by the wrong pairs the first round it was played. When it was subsequently played it appears that one player took advantage by making a different bid. So I have changed it so that the original score (with the two incorrect players playing the board) stands and the two subsequent replays of the boards do not count. I believe that this is close to the WBF rules and is what will happen if this occurs again.



Paul’s Column


1) A responsive double                                        Board 22 Monday 24th


Dealer:             J102                                           Table A

East                  KJ97                                          West          North         East(A)    South

E-W vul           8652                                          -                 -                 pass         1   

                        84                                              2             2    (1)      pass   (2)  all pass


K7                      N               643                     Table B

86                   W    E            A1052               West          North         East(A)    South

J104                    S                AQ97                -                 -                 pass         1   

AKJ972                               53                      2             pass           pass (3)    dbl   (4)

AQ985                                       pass           2              3   (5)    all pass





Table A:     (1)  This is just about worth a raise after the overcall.

                  (2)  What did you bid with this East hand A in this week’s quiz? This passive pass is not the answer.

Table B:     (3)  This East correctly surmised that his side had the majority of the points but he did not know what to do, and I agree it’s not easy. Knowing that the opponents play negative doubles and that opener would likely re-open with a double he decided to pass, quite reasonable.

(4)   automatic”.

(5)   East is in virtually the same position as (2) above. He thought for a while and then bid 3, quite reasonable and it worked well, but actually the best bid here is as described  below.


And what happened? 3 made +1 for a top, all other scores went to N-S, mostly for playing in 2.

I (Paul) did not find ‘Responsive Double’ under "conventions" on the website (Terry comment - actually there is a link in section 3 to ‘Conventional Doubles’ where it is mentioned), but since it is so useful and since such a textbook example occurred I think it is worth mentioning.

Most players are very familiar with take out doubles of opening bids, and "negative" doubles of over-calls to show values and length in the unbid suits.  The responsive double is of a similar nature.  As the name implies it is "responding" to partner's overcall when the next hand competes with a raise of opener. 

At Table A South opened 1 and West over-called 2.  North scraped up a raise to 2 (yeah, I was North and it was pretty thin opposite a possible 4 card suit) and this East hand passed.  2 was the final contract and made exactly 2.

This East hand, opposite a vulnerable 2 over-call, is perfect for a "responsive" double ... it has good 4 card holdings in both unbid suits, reasonable defense, and usually denies 3 card support for partner's suit but also usually holds 2.  The over-caller declined to rebid clubs with AKJxxx and the K7 of spades, perhaps fearing his side was "out-gunned" and vulnerable, but the responsive double would have told him he could proceed with some protection.  A club contract would have produced 10 tricks for +130 versus -110.  Imagine if the over-caller held K7 KQ86 J A10xxxx.  Hearts are a good fit, might even produce game on a good day, but the suit would never have been mentioned.  The responsive doubler should guarantee at least a good 4 card holding in the unbid major to allow for hands like this. 


2) Confession is good for the Soul                                        Board 8 from Monday 24th  


Or so they say.  I don't mind, after some critical comments regarding opponents or partner's bids/plays, telling a few about myself.
Playing a new system of responses to over-calls which are treated as opening bids I held:


RHO with all white opened 1.  I got frisky and over-called 1!  Yes, that's bold but the auction was about to get a lot hotter.  LHO bid 2 (weak) and partner was in there with 2, passed to me.  This I had drilled into me by my Swedish friends was forcing (unlike standard). I prefer that it be constructive and NON-forcing but I'm in a fix here.  I can't pass or that big guy polishing the baseball bat will be pissed off and I can't outrun him!  I figured that having dug a hole into which our score would be buried I'd bid 2NT.  Partner, ever the optimist, raised to 3NT!  Perhaps he hasn't seen my over-calls before.
On the low
lead he tabled:


Not the contract of my dreams, other than ones I wake up screaming from!
was won on my right with the K, a returned to the J and Q, pitching a from dummy, and a 3rd played to the A on my right again pitching a .  Now the 5 from my right, an obvious singleton, and I can see my fate.  It involves a large and enraged man with a baseball bat!
I ducked, what else, and LHO won the
K and returned a won in hand.  The position was now this:


Q98              K3
QJ                void
K93              AQ84
void              107

Thank Buddha they didn't cash the spade ace!!  Being in hand I cashed the two good ’s pitching another two ’s, crossed to the K, and cashed the ’s reducing to Q and 93 in dummy and AQ8 in hand giving up my K3.  RHO had to discard on the last heart from dummy with A and J1052.  Such an easy squeeze, and to think I ever questioned forcing responses to overcalls!
(I should always be so lucky!)

3) If you are going to play a new system… you are going to screw up.

                                                                                                        Board 9 from Monday 24th  


The Swedes (Hans and Janne) are trying to teach me their Swedish system of responses to 1NT openings.  Thus far this blockhead has seldom gotten it right.  Sometimes the opponents are equally adrift however.  Here’s an example




I opened 1NT.  Partner bid 2, relay to 2, but I totally forgot that it had multiple meanings of which one was "I'm going to bid 2 TO PLAY."  He did indeed bid 2.  With the system notes in my hip pocket and my mind on a golf course in Hua Hin (or perhaps a really cute waitress) I now bid 3NT!  Disaster! (?)

Partner held:




There's that baseball bat again, and he's a REALLY big guy.  OOPS!  A low was led to my K and I passed the 6 to the J.  A came back won in hand and a second lead popped the A on my left.  At this point apparently neither opponent realized I was rather lacking in stoppers.  A third was led won with the Q, RHO discarding a , and I cashed tthree ’s in dummy discarding two ’s from hand.  With the lead in dummy I was down to the A and KQ106.  The K lead sealed the deal with LHO having already discarded one from J83 and RHO one from A974. 3NT making +1 was a clear top.
2) If you screw it up, don't GIVE up. 
Maybe something good will happen.  And maybe you can outrun your partner later anyway!

                                                            <end of
Paul’s column>


Dave’s Column                       Here is Dave’s first on the play of the hand.


North               South                 You are North, declarer in 4. East leads the A,

plan the play.

AKQ42        963

AK863         Q4

K                  9843

K8               6532

Dave’s Column answer                      Board 17 from Wednesday 26th


Dealer:             AKQ42                                      Book bidding

North               AK863                                       West          North         East            South

Love all            K                                               -                 2   (1)      pass           2

                        K8                                             pass           2              pass           2NT

pass           3              pass           4     

105                     N             J87                       all pass

J1072             W    E          95                  

J1075                 S              AQ62             (1)  Many experienced players do not like to

QJ10                                  A974                    open 2 on two-suiters like this, especially

                        963                                             with a possibly worthless K.


9843                       East leads the A, plan the play.               



What a silly lead! The lead of the A into a strong 2 opener seems ludicrous to me (imagine North’s minors reversed), I would lead the seemingly obvious 7 and the A is surely better than the A away from the Q?

Anyway, let’s proceed assuming that East does actually lead the seemingly ludicrous A, I don’t think that it affects the problem.

After North ruffed the second , he drew trumps in three rounds and led a to the K. East took the A and forced North to ruff another with his last trump. North would still have been safe if the ’s had split 3-3, but he went two down when West turned up with J1072.

North does better to cash only two high trumps. He next take the Q and A and leads a low . If East discards, North ruffs in dummy and can ruff a , draw trumps and run the ’s, losing two ’s and a .

If instead East ruffs with the J on the third , dummy throws a . North ruffs the return and throws two more ’s from dummy on the good ’s. He loses a but ruffs a in dummy.

Did you foresee that North might get his tenth trick by ruffing a in dummy?                      

And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4+1, 2+1, 1+1 and 1+2 twice.




Dave’s 2nd Column       Here is Dave’s 2nd input on the play of the hand.


West                East                      You are East, declarer in 4.                                         

A43              KQ7                 South leads the J which you win with the K.

1063             AK842             You cash the A and see South drop the J,

A75              K43                  how do you continue? 

8632            A5                                 


Dave’s 2nd Column answer              Board 18 from Wednesday 26th  


Dealer:             1096                                           Book bidding

East                  Q975                                          West          North         East            South

N-S vul            962                                            -                 -                 1              pass

                        KQJ                                           2              pass           4              all pass


A43                    N             KQ7               South leads the J which you win with the K.

1063               W    E          AK842           You cash the A and see South drop the J,

A75                    S              K43                how do you continue?        

8632                                  A5                       







You should be cautious, realising the value of the 8. Do not continue with the K because if South discards you will lose two ’s, one and one . Instead, be willing to sacrifice a potential overtrick to guarantee your contract. At trick three lead a low from hand.

Here, North takes dummy’s 10 with his Q and returns the K. Win with your A, play a (or ) to dummy’s ace and lead a to your hand. You cover North’s card and draw his remaining trump and have ten tricks.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4+1, 4=twice and 4-1 twice.





Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    dbl. This is a responsive (or competitive) double. Showing the two unbid suits and usually doubleton support for partner. You know that your side has the majority of the points and so you have to make a noise, this is the best noise with 3 being the less attractive alternative.

Hand B:    6NT. It is unlikely that you will make 13 tricks without the ’s coming in for more than one trick, so bid the higher scoring small slam.




 Ron Klinger web site