Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 453

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My mobile phone number is 083 6066880                                                              24th July 2011

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My Windows Live Messenger is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 18th        1st  Espen & Jan                      67%       2nd     Terje L & Hans                    63%
Wed 20th        1st  Robbie & Bob S               61%       2nd     Gerard & Derek                   58%
Fri 22nd          1st  Espen & Jan                      64%       2nd     John H & Mike                    61%


Bidding Sequence Quiz            
A      1♣    pass   1♥      pass
         3♣    pass   3♥                         Is 3♥ forcing, invitational, or just a desire to play in 3♥?

Dave’s Column

Dealer:             ♠ KJ                                              Book Bidding
West                ♥ 763                                             West          North         East           South
both vul           ♦ QJ94                                           1♣              pass           1♠              pass    
                        ♣ Q763                                         4♠              all pass
♠ A1098                N            
♥ Q5                  W    E         
♦ AK7                   S                                             
♣ AK108                                        

You are North, defending 4♠ and partner leads the 5♣. The ♣A is played from dummy, declarer playing the ♣J.
Dummy continues with the ♠A and a ♠ to your ♠K, partner following with the ♠5 and ♠3, what now?

Dave’s Column Answer                 Board 20 from Wednesday 20th  
Dealer:             ♠ KJ                                              Bidding
West                ♥ 763                                             West          North         East           South
both vul            ♦ QJ94                                           1♣   (1)      pass           1♠              pass    
                        ♣ Q763                                         4♠              all pass
♠ A1098                N             ♠ Q762              (1)  2NT is the obvious alternative opening
♥ Q5                  W    E          ♥ K108                   
♦ AK7                   S              ♦ 106                      
♣ AK108                              ♣ J942              
                        ♠ 543                          
                        ♥ AJ942                            South leads the 5♣. The ♣A is played from dummy,  
                        ♦ 8532                         declarer playing the ♣J. Dummy continues with the ♠A
                        ♣ 5                              and a ♠ to your ♠K, partner following with the ♠5 and ♠3,
                                                            what now?

Inferences are available. To start with, partner can’t have the ♥AK as he did not lead one of them. Secondly,
partner’s play of the ♠5 - ♠3 indicates a third trump and a desire to ruff now. Which suit does partner want to ruff?
It has to be ♣’s. If you return a ♣ for partner to ruff and partner’s ♥’s are strong enough to prevent declarer from
discarding a ♣ on a ♥, you will still collect the setting trick with the ♣Q.

The Trump-Echo

When a defender plays high-low when following to declarer’s drawing of trumps, it shows three (or more) trumps
and an ability to ruff immediately.

Dave’s 2nd Column

North               South                            
♠ A52              ♠ KJ83                                    Book bidding         
♥ 102               ♥ AQ76                                   West          North       East         South
♦ Q1097          ♦ A5                                        -                 -                -              1NT
♣ K1082         ♣ Q93                                     pass           3NT         all pass

Trick 1: ♣5, ♣2, ♣J, ♣Q
Trick 2: ♣9, ♣6, ♣8, ♣4
Trick 3: ♣3, ♣A, ♣10, ♦3
Trick 4: ♣7, ♣K, ♦4, ♥6
Trick 5: ♦7, ♦8, ♦A, ♦2
Trick 6: ♦5, ♦6, ♦10, ♥4

North               South                        That leaves this position, with the lead in the North hand.
♠ A52              ♠ KJ83                     Declarer already has five tricks in the bag, an he guarantee
♥ 102               ♥ AQ7                      four more now?
♦ Q9                ♦ -                                           
♣ -                   ♣ -                                          
Dave’s 2nd Column Answer           Board 21 from Wednesday 20th  
Dealer:             ♠ A52                                            Book bidding             
North               ♥ 102                                             West          North         East           South
N-S vul            ♦ Q1097                                        -                 -                 -                 1NT
                        ♣ K1082                                       pass           3NT           all pass

♠ 97                       N             ♠ Q1064           
♥ K93                W    E          ♥ J854               Trick 1: ♣5, ♣2, ♣J, ♣Q
♦ KJ62                   S              ♦ 843                 Trick 2: ♣9, ♣6, ♣8, ♣4
♣ A765                                 ♣ J4                   Trick 3: ♣3, ♣A, ♣10, ♦3
                        ♠ KJ83                                    Trick 4: ♣7, ♣K, ♦4, ♥6
                        ♥ AQ76                                   Trick 5: ♦7, ♦8, ♦A, ♦2
                         ♦ A5                                         Trick 6: ♦5, ♦6, ♦10, ♥4
                        ♣ Q93

                        ♠ A52                                      That leaves this position, with the defence having
                        ♥ 102                                       won one trick so far. Can declarer get four more
                        ♦ Q9                                        tricks to guarantee the contract now?
                        ♣ -                                          
♠ 97                       N             ♠ Q1064            Declarer can play a ♦ off dummy.
♥ K93                W    E          ♥ J85                 West will win and cash one more ♦. But then he  
♦ KJ                       S              ♦ -                      has to play a major suit to give up the ninth trick.
♣ -                                         ♣ -                    
                  ♠ KJ83                                   
                  ♥ AQ7                   
                  ♦ -                                           
                  ♣ -


Bidding Sequence Quiz Answers          
A      1♣    pass   1♥      pass            3♥ is game forcing, looking for the best game (or slam).
         3♣    pass   3♥                         With a very weak hand and ♥’s, responder should pass.


Current club championship standings


Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1798.8 Janne Roos
1765.5 Hans Vikman
1743.4 Bob Short
1725.0 Tomas Wikman

639.8 Per Andersson
639.2 Hans Vikman
636.2 Paul Quodomine
627.6 Janne Roos
624.0 Lars Broman
617.8 Paul Scully
615.9 Bob Short
610.1 Terje Lie
611.7 Sean Burgess
609.4 Jeremy Watson

332.2 Per Andersson
326.2 Hans Vikman
325.3 Paul Scully
321.7 Lars Broman
318.9 Janne Roos
318.4 Dave Hurst
316.6 Alan Kleist
316.3 Paul Quodomine
315.6 Bob Short
315.5 Jan v Koss