Pairs Result - Friday 23 Dec 2005 . Pattaya bridge home

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 2  Bill & Mike(Can) 207.5 off 28 boards61.75  
2nd 8  Chuck & Jan 197 off 27 boards60.80  
3rd 6  Jim(Sco) & Dave 181.2 off 28 boards53.91  
4th 7  Bob(Us) & Ken(Us) 166.8 off 28 boards49.65  
5th 3  Eileen & Anne 155.7 off 28 boards46.32  
6th 1  Bjorn & Ian 152.7 off 28 boards45.43  
7th 4  Albert & Barry 140 off 28 boards41.66  
8th 5  Betsy & Chris 137.2 off 28 boards40.82  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 1  Arne & Ruth 216.5 off 28 boards64.43  
2nd 6  Alan & Tomas 190.8 off 28 boards56.79  
3rd 4  Richard(Us) & Keith 189 off 28 boards56.25  
4th 2  Peter (Lux) & Knud 170.2 off 28 boards50.64  
5th 7  David (Can) & Paul Scully 155.3 off 28 boards46.23  
6th 3  Mike & Angela Poustie 147.3 off 28 boards43.84  
7th 5  Peter & Ole 141 off 27 boards43.51  
8th 8  Ron & Vicky 127.8 off 28 boards38.04  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    012311412119.51268108201212104912012167410
38391    6943.702115803106124231210562110
423212401211    6435243710110635116746
5812010122382040.2    88110110010811001206
686654730103117.2101235    661012310652786
7410128973483411.869304882    854812042
812895410104098 691112012671644    1071112
2    120914980.2121017120652112691040120126
34667    6388.36310108956623241126582
4493113598    689704181111121201201110546
58204812011234     4411202839267610112
610910082281012811.8101297    66209027012810
704370109406128.32097410120    47846586
84012238482914.806428441060810    2510

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.