Monday pairs 7 Jan 2008.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 1  Bjorn Liberson & Knud Andreasen 193 off 28 boards57.44  
2nd 2  Jim Aitken & Nigel 192 off 28 boards57.14  
3rd 4  Terje Lie & Sean Burgess 190 off 28 boards56.54  
4th 5  Bob Pelletier & Royd Laidlow 174 off 28 boards51.78  
5th 7  Gita Murray & Willy Astrand 167 off 28 boards49.70  
6th 3  Jan V Koss & Olaf Ries 162 off 28 boards48.21  
7th 8  Arnawood Iskenderian & Mike Guin 148 off 28 boards44.04  
8th 6  Frode Austad & Robbie Georges 118 off 28 boards35.11  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 6  Dave Cutler & Terry Quested 211 off 28 boards62.79  
2nd 5  Derek Tyms & Gerard Hardy 201 off 28 boards59.82  
3rd 4  Lars Falch & Arne Fjoertoft 166 off 28 boards49.40  
4th 8  Paul Savelkral & Ursula Lehner 165 off 28 boards49.10  
5th 1  Agne & Brigitta Strongvist 158 off 28 boards47.02  
6th 3  Paul Scully & Gene Moats 155 off 28 boards46.13  
7th 7  Margit & Ole 145 off 28 boards43.15  
8th 2  Britta Borg & Kenneth Johansson 143 off 28 boards42.55  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    62611127311109587124557381048071048
307512    410778110310012812734342721004
4810509725    012561258507124741271210412
512121042108240112    150157912120102741210
6230490108043025012    20900114776100
780128124120412774183410211    380120186
887544705102041252107561182010    7142
2    6106180554112957611250851655802
3109128    825507102074720680122105284
41257008012    1207611721175302841256212
54120435107210128    1171211759412185102128
6427128512781211063012    101231298105121146
7457810241045111071205087    941200280
80028120811289122374821010598    511810

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.