Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 343

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880                7th June 2009

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 1st                    1st  Dave & Kenneth            62%       2nd    Ivy & Mike                      59%

Wed 3rd                    1st  Ivy & Paul Q                  61%       2nd    Niels & Terje                   58%

Fri    5th                    1st  Karl & Terry Q              60%       2nd    Alan K & Michael Ga   58%

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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           What do you open with Hand A in 4th seat?


3                   AJ987                                  

Q9                32                 With Hand B you pass initially and partner opens 1. You

K9863          K87              bid 1 and partner bids 2, what do you do?    

AK862         K65


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C you open 1 and partner bids 1, what do

you bid?

6                   AK7

AK5             AKJ107       With Hand D you open your strongest bid (2 or 2) and

A92              AJ                 partner relays to show a few points, what is your rebid?      

A98743        AJ7                                     


Bidding Sequence Quiz


E      1     pass   1      pass       What is the approximate upper limit for the 2 rebid?           


You can help to finance the Pattaya Bridge Club by using any of the boxes below to make a purchase from Amazon or else by joining the Ron klinger Bridge Club
Ron Klinger web site



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1818.0 Janne Roos

1788.5 Hans Vikman

1784.6 Paul Quodomine


649.2 Janne Roos

639.3 Hans Vikman

636.2 Paul Quodomine

631.5 Sally Watson

615.1 Lars Broman

613.8 Jeremy Watson

611.1 Bob Short

609.2 Jean Wissing

609.0 Ivy Schlageter

607.6 Per Andersson

334.8 Janne Roos

329.0 Hans Vikman

326.9 Paul Quodomine

324.5 Sally Watson

321.8 Ivy Schlageter

321.7 Bob Short

321.3 Jeremy Watson

321.0 Per Andersson

316.1 Lars Broman

315.8 Gene Moats



Unfamiliar Partnerships. I have made up a simple checklist for new partnerships, but it appears that what is ‘standard’ in America is not standard in Scandinavia!

In particular, when I refer to standard count, that is high-low to show an even number.

Likewise, HELD, high to encourage, is standard and inverted is low to encourage (which most of our club play).

2 - 2 - 3NT is HORRIBLE                             Board 27 from Friday 5th  


I have written a number of times that I totally hate this 3NT rebid having opened 2. It’s all up on the website and there are a number of solutions to make 2NT forcing (showing 25+ and still enabling Stayman and transfers below the level of 3NT). With Paul Quodomine I play the Kokish Relay and our sequence would be as the Expert table’


Dealer:             9                                                 Table A

South               983                                             West            North     East(D)      South

Love all            K1082                                       -                   -             -                 pass

                        Q9854                                       pass             pass       2   (1)      pass

2    (2)       pass       3NT (3)      pass

J106542             N               AK7                  6    (4)        pass       7    (5)      all pass

Q6                  W    E            AKJ107           

Q653                  S                AJ                      ‘Expert Table’

2                                          AJ7                    West            North     East(D)      South

-                   -             -                 pass

                        Q83                                            pass             pass       2   (1)      pass

542                                            2    (2)        pass       2    (6)      pass

972                                            2    (7)        pass       2NT (8)      pass

K863                                         3    (9)        pass       3              pass

4    (10)      pass       4NT (11)    pass

5    (12)      pass       5    (13)    pass

5    (14)      pass       6              all pass


Table A:     (1)  This was the pair’s only strong bid.

(2)   Waiting or negative, I’m not quite sure.

(3)   What did you bid with this East hand D in this week’s quiz? This 3NT showed 25+, but I simply hate this sequence. See table B’s solution.

(4)   Bidding what he thought he could make.

(5)   With all of the aces and AKx, you cannot criticize East for going for gold.

‘Expert’      (1)  Paul and I also have only one strong bid.

 Table:        (2)  Waiting and game forcing (2 would be a bust hand).

(6)   The Kokish relay, this 2 bid shows either ’s or a big NT hand.

(7)   Forced.

(8)   So now showing 25+ balanced.

(9)   And here we see the advantage of the Kokish Relay, responder can transfer.

(10)   There is no need for West to jump, he has already shown his meager assets with his initial positive 2 response and this 4 bid shows a 6-card suit.

(11)   RKCB

(12)   0 (or 3) keycards playing 1430

(13)   Do you have the trump queen?

(14)   No, and I do not have extra length (i.e. only the six I have already shown).


And what happened? 7-1, 6NT-1, 6= and 4+2. 

The bottom lines: -

-     2 followed by 3NT sucks. Play Benjamin twos, Multi 2 diamonds or the Kokish relay to solve the problem; keep the bidding low and exchange information.

-     In my ‘expert’ sequence I used RKCB, I guess you could also use Josaphine GSF if you have agreed all of the sequences.

How to bid a balanced 25+ hand


Playing Benjamin twos, I play the sequence 2 - 2 - 2NT to show 25+ (2 - 2 - 2NT is 22-24)

Playing the Multi 2, I play the sequence    2 - 2 - 2NT to show 25+ (2 - 2 - 2NT is 22-24)

And as seen on the previous page, playing 2 as the only strong bid I play the Kokish Relay.

All of these are game forcing and allow for Stayman or transfers below the level of 3NT. This is handy if 3NT is the limit of the hand and it is also necessary to have the extra bidding room when there is a slam, as the bidding at the previous table B nicely demonstrates.


Pearson’s Rule of 15                                           Board 7 from Friday 5th   


There is a special ‘rule’ for opening marginal hands in 4th seat, and it worked well on this deal.


Dealer:             QJ864                                        Table A

South               A75                                            West          North         East(A)    South

Both vul            742                                            -                 -                 -               pass

                        73                                              pass (1)      pass           1    (2)    1

dbl   (3)      3              4   (4)    pass

A7                      N               3                         5    (5)      all pass

J1084             W    E            Q9                    

AQ105               S                K9863               Table B

1054                                    AK862               West          North         East(A)    South

-                 -                 -               pass

                        K10952                                      pass (1)      pass           pass (2)   





Table A:     (1)  It’s close to an opening bid – very marginal.

(2)   What did you bid with this East hand A in this week’s quiz? 1 seems to be the almost unanimous verdict.

(3)   Negative, showing 3 ’s

(4)   East felt that he had to show his shape.

(5)   And with close to an opener himself, West pushed on to game.

Table B:     (2)  So what about this opening in 4th seat? In any seat but 4th it is a very clear opener, but in 4th seat the suit is all important and Pearson’s rule of 15 applies (add the HCPs to the length). This is 13 and thus way short, so this East (me) passed!


And what happened? All of the other E-W’s got too high; 3NT-1, 5-1 and 5=. Of course 5 should always go -1 and so the pass out should have scored a complete top instead of a 2nd. 

The bottom lines: -

-     In 4th seat, look at the suit with a marginal opener and apply the Rule of 15.

-     As it turns out on this particular deal, the board ‘belongs’ to  E-W, that is because West has a near opening. However, in a bidding battle E-W are very likely to get pushed too high as the opponents have ten ’s between them and all of this can be avoided if East knows about Pearson's rule of 15 for 4th seat openers and simply passes the board out.

A tricky rebid                                                       Board 12 from Monday 1st   


Dealer:             AJ987                                         Table A

West                32                                               West          North(B)    East          South(C)

N-S vul            K87                                           pass           pass           pass         1

                        K65                                           pass           1              pass         2   (1)

pass           3    (2)      pass         4    (3)

1042                   N               KQ53                 all pass

Q964              W    E            J1087               

QJ1065               S                43                      Table B

Q                                         J102                   West          North(B)    East          South(C)

6                                                 pass           pass           pass         1

                        AK5                                           pass           1              pass         2   (1)

A92                                           pass           2    (2)     pass         3NT (4)

A98743                                     all pass


Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this South hand C in this week’s quiz? It’s not really good enough for 3 and 1NT is an underbid, so I think that 2 is best. This 2 bid is not necessarily weak and may be as good as this hand.

(2)   What did you bid with this North hand B in this week’s quiz? This North correctly thought that he should make an effort and so bid an invitational 3, I don’t really like this as it implies better/longer ’s.

(3)   And this South obviously thought that partner had better ’s.

Table B:     (1)  This South also did not overbid.

(2)   As I said above, North really has to make an effort but it’s a bit tricky. The hand has the values for 2NT but I don’t like it with these ’s. I chose 2 (show partner something there in case he can bid 3NT). I guess that 3 is an equally good, perhaps better, try. You should not pass, partner may have a decent hand.

(4)  Just what I wanted to hear.


And what happened? 3N(S)+1 twice, 3N(s)= and 5=.  

The bottom lines: -

-         Sequence E is not necessarily weak (so not “one-two that’ll do”) and may be up to around 16 points (not enough to make a jump).

-         Sometimes you have to manufacture a bid in a minor suit (usually one that has an honour).



Dave’s Column           Here is Dave’s input about the play of the hand.


West                    East              You are West, you opened 4 and are left to play there.

AKQ10432      J865         1. How do you play if North leads the A?

K64                  8752         2. How do you play if North leads a low ?

-                        Q           

1087                AKJ9

Dave’s Column answer                      Board 26 from Wednesday 3rd


Dealer:             9                                                 Book Auction

South               AQ3                                           West          North         East            South

Both vul            AJ8732                                      -                 -                 -                 pass   (1)

                        632                                            4              all pass


AKQ10432        N             J865               (1)  If you play a weak 2 opening, then that     

K64                W    E          8752                    is a possibility.

-                         S              Q                   

1087                                  AKJ9                  



K98654                 1. How do you play if North leads the A?      

Q54                       2. How do you play if North leads a low ?


Answer 1: Discard a on the opening lead. If North shifts to a , win the A, draw trumps and play K and J, intending to let the J ride if South plays low. In this actual case the J loses to the Q and you ruff. The 9 remains in dummy for a discard. The most you can lose is 1 , 1 and 1 .


Answer 2: On a low lead, discard a on the K. You are still alive even if the A is with North and the Q with South. Maybe. Suppose South returns a to your K and North’s A and North shifts to a (best). You win in dummy and lead a 2nd which North wins to play a 2nd . Now you have a decision to make. You can take the finesse or you can rise with the K and ruff a . In the first case you win when North has the Q, in the second case you win when ’s are 3-3 or South has just Qx in ’s. A close call.


Terry’s comment. I would not lead a (I don’t like leading aces without the king and I certainly would not lead a low which is pretty silly if the K and Q are switched). Although a singleton trump is not generally a good lead, I would lead a trump against 4 on this auction, the alternative being a .


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 6-3, 6-1 twice, 4-1 and 4=.






Dave’s 2nd Column   Here is Dave’s 2nd input the play of the hand.


N                 832               West        North     East        South            

W  E               8732             pass         1          pass       2

S                  A763           pass         2          pass       4

                        KQ              all pass    


95                              You are East and lead the K, partner encouraging with the 4

KQ1094                    (or 10 if you play high to encourage). What do you do next?


Dave’s 2nd Column answer                          Board 25 from Wednesday 3rd


Dealer:             Q10976                                      West          North         East            South

West                AKQJ                                        pass           1              pass           2

N-S vul            9                                                pass           2              pass           4

                        652                                            all pass


J5                       N             832                      

1064               W    E          8732               You are East and lead the K, partner

J52                     S              A763             encouraging with the 4 (or 10 if you play

A10984                              KQ                high to encourage). What do you do next?  






If you lead the Q next you put partner on a guess – have you led from KQ or KQx? East should make it easier for partner by cashing the A before leading the Q. Then partner has nothing to lose by overtaking with the A as an overtrick is no longer a possibility.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4= four times, 4-1 once.


The bottom lines: -

-         Always try to avoid giving partner problems.



Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    Pass! Where are the ’s? In any other seat a 1 opening is obvious, but in 4th seat things are different. With just 12 points a competitive auction is bound to develop and the opponents have the ’s (if not, they certainly have the ’s) and you will be out-gunned and end up too high (as happened on the actual deal at every table where this hand opened). Apply the rule of 15 to 4th seat openers.

Hand B:    2 or 3. It’s too good to pass and you should make a bid to give partner a chance if he has a good hand. 2NT is possible (correct on values) but I don’t like the ’s. I don’t like 3 either as the ’s are not good enough. That just really leaves 2 or 3.

Hand C:    2. It’s not good enough for 3 in the modern style. 1NT is an underbid and 2NT obviously an overbid.

Hand D:    2NT, that is if you are sensible enough to have both 2 and 2 as possible strong openings and so this 2NT rebid promises 25+ and is game forcing, allowing Stayman and transfers. If you only have 2 as your strongest bid then many have to bid 3NT to show this hand, but this is HORRIBLE. In this situation, play the Kokish Relay (2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2NT) to show the big balanced hand.


Bidding Sequence Answers


E      1     pass   1      pass       This simple 2 rebid may be as much as a poor 16 points,   

        2                                       i.e.not quite enough to jump to 3.


 Ron Klinger web site