Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 406

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My mobile phone number is 083 6066880                                                          22nd Aug 2010

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 16th        1st  Tony H & Kenneth             63%       2nd    Dave C & Paul S                    61%

Wed 18th        1st  Hans V & Janne                 65%       2nd    Mike G & Terry Q                 62%

Fri  20th          1st  Georges & Jean-Charles     59%       2nd    Bob S & Hans V                    58%


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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A partner opens 1, what do you bid?


A1084          AK875        

AQ               AQJ103       With Hand B you open 1 and partner raises to 2, what

Q762            -                    do you bid?                             

Q82             QJ9                                                   



Hand C                                    With Hand C RHO opens 3, what do you bid?








Bidding Sequence Quiz


D     1     pass   2NT                    what is the 2NT response over a minor?

E      1     pass   2NT                    what is the 2NT response over a major?

Ron Klinger web site


Current club championship standings



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1885.7 Janne Roos

1871.5 Hans Vikman

1860.7 Paul Quodomine
1714.7 Johan Bratsberg

670.1 Janne Roos

657.7 Hans Vikman

640.1 Paul Quodomine

628.3 Sally Watson

626.8 Tomas Wikman

619.8 Lars Broman

615.9 Jean Wissing

610.7 Johan Bratsburg

610.0 Derek & Gerard

609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet

344.6 Janne Roos

338.3 Hans Vikman

329.6 Tomas Wikman

325.4 Sally Watson

323.4 Paul Quodomine

322.9 Lars Broman

322.7 Derek & Gerard

320.3 Jean Wissing

319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet

316.0 Sigurd Zahl

Another Jacoby 2NT Auction – part 1          Board 1 from Monday 9th August


Recently we have had a few deals where a Jacoby 2NT auction can keep you low at 4/. Here we have a example where the bid led to an excellent slam which was missed using ‘older’ methods.


Dealer:             52                                               Table A

North               K74                                            West          North         East            South

Love all            K62                                           -                 pass           1              pass

                        Q10963                                     2NT (1)      pass           3   (2)      pass

3    (3)     pass           3    (3)      pass    

KQ8                   N             AJ943                   4NT (4)      pass           5   (5)      pass

Q1032            W    E          AJ8                      6              all pass

AQJ                    S              7543              

K54                                   A                          Table B

                        1076                                          West          North         East            South

965                                            -                 pass           1               pass

1098                                          2             pass           2               pass

J872                                           4    (6)      pass           pass (7)      pass


Table A:     (1)  Jacoby 2NT

(2)   Playing the most popular version of Jacoby 2NT East would bid 3 (or maybe 3NT) to show a good opener and would not show a singleton ace. However, this pair play a simplistic version and 3 was simply a cue bid showing slam interest.

(3)   Cue bid

(4)   RKCB

(5)   (0 or 3) key cards

Table B:     (1)  This pair do not play Jacoby 2NT and have to go through the ‘older’ bidding system of a delayed game raise.

(6)   So this shows a sound raise to 4. However is does not show the extra values.

(7)   And East too has a bit extra but does not know that West has.


And what happened? 6= three times, 3NT+3 and 4+2 twice. So three pairs missed the 75% slam.

The bottom lines:

-         The Jacoby 2NT is a great convention and really helps slam bidding. As we see from this example slam is easily bid using Jacoby, where both West and East can show slam interest; but is very difficult at table B where neither can.


Another Jacoby 2NT Auction – part 2          Board 16 from Wednesday 18th August



Dealer:             KQJ73                                       Table A

West                KJ76                                          West          North         East            South(A)

E-W vul           A8                                              pass           1              pass           4    (1)

                        K10                                           pass           pass (2)      pass


962                     N             5                           Table B

853                 W    E          10942                   West          North         East            South(A)

95                       S              KJ1043                pass           1              pass           2NT (1)

A9753                                J64                       pass           3    (3)      pass           4    (4)

                        A1084                                       pass           4NT (5)      pass           5

AQ                                            pass           6              all pass




Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this South hand A in this week’s quiz? This jump to 4 is a poor bid as it is generally played a pre-emptive with long ’s.

(2)   Believing that partner had a weak hand, North passes.

Table B:     (1)  This pair play the Jacoby 2NT in response to a major suit opening, and this is the answer to question A. It shows at least opening values and 4-card trump support and no small singleton (otherwise splinter).

(3)   This shows a strong opening with no other 5-card suit and no small singleton.

(4)   A cue bid, here showing a control and denying a or control.

(5)   RKCB.


And what happened? 6= twice and 4+2 three times. So three pairs missed the cold slam.

The bottom lines:

-         The Jacoby 2NT is a great convention that really helps slam bidding.




Dave’s Column                               Here is Dave’s 1st problem, on defence.


K42                    N                                   Book Bidding

AQ653           W    E                                West          North         East            South        

Q83                    S                                    -                2              pass           4     

74                                                            all pass      






 You are West, defending 4. East leads the 10 and declarer played low from dummy. You win the Q and declarer plays the J. You continue with the A which declarer ruffs. Declarer takes a losing finesse to your Q, with partner playing the 3. How do you proceed?

Dave’s Column Answer                  Board 16 from Wednesday 11th August



Dealer:             QJ10975                                    Book Bidding

North               J                                                 West          North         East            South

E-W vul           K42                                            -                 2              pass           4

                        1096                                          all pass                        


K42                    N             3                

AQ653           W    E          109842             

Q83                    S              A109                

74                                      8532               






East leads the 10 and declarer played low from dummy. West wins the Q and declarer plays the J. West continues with the A which declarer ruffs. Declarer takes a losing finesse to West’s K, with East playing the 3. How should West proceed?


Fear got the best of today’s West. He knew that the suit offered the only hope for two more tricks. What he didn’t realize was that there was no reason to rush to get them.

North ruffed the second and took the losing trump finesse. With two tricks in the bag and with dummy’s solid trumps staring at him. West knew that North’s weak spot was in ’s. Accordingly West shifted to a . When North guessed to duck, East had to play his A, and declarer had no more losers. He drew trumps and discarded his low on a .

So how does West conclude that he need not rush to collect whatever he can in ’s?

It’s not that difficult, but West must do some counting. He knows that North had six ’s and just one . That leaves him with six unknown cards in the minors. Unless North held five or more ’s then after he drew trumps and cashed dummy’s ’s, he would still have two ’s. Therefore, there is no need for West to panic. Better to exit safely in trumps (or ’s) and force declarer to play ’s himself.

After West exits calmly and safely with a black card at trick four, North cannot avoid two losers. Forced to play the suit himself, he cannot escape and must go one down.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4= three times, 3+1 and 4-1. So it appears that just one pair defended correctly and did not attack ’s, and that was against Janne & Hans – well done the non-fearful John & Marnie.

The bottom lines:

-     This is a typical example of whoever breaks a suit loses a trick – typically when all players hold one honour card in the suit.


Dave’s 2nd Column                 Here is Dave’s 2nd problem, again on declarer play.


West                East                                          Book Bidding

J1096           AK875                                 West            North             East            South

742               AQJ103                               -                   -                     1              pass

KQ5             -                                           2                pass               3              pass

K107           QJ9                                      4                all pass


You are East, declarer in 4. South leads the J to the Q and North’s A, which you ruff. A comes back which you win, discarding a from hand. You lead the A and North shows out.


Dealer:             -                                       It’s best to stop with trumps now, so you switch to

East                  98                                     the Q. South wins the A and leads another to

Both vul            76                                    dummy’s K and you discard a . You then take a

                        854                                  finesse but South wins and punches with another .           


J109                   N             K8              This is the seven card position, with you reduced

74                   W    E          AJ10          to only the K8 while South has Q43.

                           S              -                 

K10                                   J9               How do you avoid losing two more tricks?





Dave’s 2nd Column Answer
     Board 26 from Wednesday 18th August


Dealer:             -                                                 Book Bidding

East                  985                                            West          North         East(B)       South

Both vul            A76432                                    -                 -                 1              pass

                        8543                                          2              pass           3    (1)      pass

4              all pass

J1096                 N             AK875                

742                 W    E          AQJ103              

KQ5                   S              -                                   

K107                                 QJ9                     

                        Q432                              (1)  What did you bid with this East hand B in this   

K6                                        week’s quiz? I also made this 2 bid, not as a

J1098                                   game try (I was always bidding game), but to

A62                                      perhaps uncover a superior fit.


South leads the J, covered by dummy’s Q and North’s A, with declarer ruffing. The A reveals that South holds four trumps.

Declarer abandons trumps and switches to his Q. South wins the A and leads another to dummy’s K, declarer enjoying a useless discard. Declarer takes a finesse but South wins and punches with another . Reduced to only the K8 while South has Q43, how can declarer avoid losing two more tricks?

What initially appeared to be a laydown game presents another dimension when trumps are 4-0. Did you find the escape route out of the trap?


Dealer:             -                                       In this position, cashing the K and leading

East                  98                                     another trump won’t work. South will win his Q

Both vul            76                                    to lead another , forcing dummy’s last trump and

                        854                                  promoting South’s last trump to the setting trick.   


J109                   N             K8              Cashing ’s won’t work either, South will enjoy

74                   W    E          AJ10          a ruff as well as the trump queen for one down.    

                           S              -                                   

K10                                   J9               The solution? Lead the 8. If South wins and

Q43                                  continues ’s, declarer trumps with his K and

6                                       crosses to dummy in ’s to draw South’s pesky

10                                     trumps. And is South refuses to win his Q,

62                                    declarer cashes his K and plays out winners,

losing only one trump to South’s remaining Q.    

And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? Five different results! 5*-1, 4-1, 2+2, 4= and 4+1.





2/1 make slam bidding easy                                Board 5 from Wednesday 11th August


Our top pair reached the easy 6 slam here at table A, but I don’t like their methods!


Dealer:             Q63                                            Table A

North               KJ10987                                    West          North         East            South

N-S vul            A10                                           -                 1              pass           2

                        K4                                             pass           2              pass           4NT (1)           

pass           5              pass           6   

K105                  N             J942                     all pass

432                 W    E          5                          

K95                    S              QJ6432                2/1 auction

10832                                76                        West          North         East            South  

A87                                           -                 1              pass           2   (2)

AQ6                                          pass           2              pass           3    (3)

87                                              pass           4    (4)     pass           4NT (5)

AQJ95                                       pass           5              pass           6

All pass


Table A:     (1)  This is the bid I don’t like – but what else is South to do? I don’t like the bid for two reasons:

(a)    Opener may have a minimal opener unsuitable for slam, with 11 or 12 points

(b)   It is generally accepted that you should not bid Blackwood with a wide open suit that partner has shown no values in as there may be two top losers there. In this example South does not know that North has this huge hand and if North replies just one keycard then South does not know if there are two losers off the top. Is there a solution?

Auction      (2)  Yes! Play 2/1. This 3 bid is game forcing playing 2/1.

Playing 2/1(3)   Game forcing, showing three ’s and slam interest. 4 would show a weaker hand and 4NT is a bid that would hardly ever be used.

(4)   With this monster (just look at the solidity of this suit) North obviously cue bids the A.

(5)   And now South can bid RKCB in complete confidence, knowing that partner has a control.


And what happened? 6+1 three times, 4+3 twice.

The bottom lines:

-         The 2/1 bidding system gives you more bidding space to sensibly investigate slam.

Ace in their pre-emptive suit                               Board 2 from Monday 9th August


Dealer:             8                                                 Table A

East                  KQ1085                                     West(C)     North         East            South

N-S vul            7653                                           -                 -                 -                 3

                        A98                                            5    (1)      all pass      


4                         N             A1063                  Table B

A2                  W    E          94                         West(C)     North         East            South

AKQJ9               S              1042                    -                 -                 -                 3

KJ532                                Q764                   dbl   (1)      pass           3NT (2)      all pass






Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this West Hand C in this week’s quiz? It is difficult (that’s why people pre-empt) but I don’t like this 5 bid as it is too unilateral and rules out a possibly better 3NT or contract.

Table B:     (1)  This is much better than the 5 bid, but is not perfect because partner is likely to bid 4 and then a 5 bid by you may be construed as a hand rather than a minor suit two-suiter. I guess that this is up to partnership agreement.

(2)  East is minimum for a 3NT bid, but the Axxx are really great. This is because the A can be held up for a round if necessary and hopefully South will have no entry for his long ’s.


And what happened? 6=, 3NT+2, 5=, 3+1 twice and 3+2.

The bottom lines:

-         The ace in their long suit is very important as you can safely hold up as necessary. Here it was very important as declarer could safely win the first lead and knock out the A before the ’s were attacked.

-         6 and 3NT are both good contract and both will only fail on an initial lead.


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    2NT. The Jacoby 2NT, hands like this cannot be sensibly bid without a forcing raise available.

Hand B:    3 (to be followed by 4 if partner does not bid 4). I prefer this to 4 as it may uncover a superior fit. I do not consider the hand good enough for a 4 splinter.

Hand C:    dbl or 4NT. This is up to partnership agreement. The problem with double is that partner will surely bid 4, and then what do you do? An immediate 4NT as a two-suited take-out is probably best. Bids of  4 or 5 of a minor are not good as they are too unilateral.


Bidding Sequence Quiz Answer


D     1     pass   2NT                    This is best played as 10-12 with no 4-card major.

F      1     pass   2NT                    This is best played as the Jacoby 2NT.


 Ron Klinger web site